4wd bluetooth controlled car with arduino

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    4wd bluetooth controlled car with arduino

    parts needed:Step 1:
    assemble the car chassis, solder the wires to the motors, you should be able to figure out on your own how to assemble it.

    Step 2:
    connect motorshield to your arduino mega

    Step 3:
    Connect everything on the mini breadboard and to arduino,
    2kOhm resistor between RXD and Groud, 1kOhm Resistor between RXD of hc-06 and TX1 of Arduino mega Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled Sketch 2_Steckplatine.png
Views:	392
Size:	121.9 KB
ID:	153452

    Step 3:
    Connect the motors and batteries to the motorshield, and fix the parts to the car chassis.

    The hc-06 bluetooth module should start blinking, pair your mobile phone to it, the default password is 1234

    Step 4:
    Once everything is connected and paired, disconnect the batteries from the motorshield, and connect the arduino mege via usb to your computer.
    Open Arduino software and upload to the Arduino Mega board the Attached Sketch.
    If you get some error make sure that you have installed the library for motorshield. I have attached it to this topic too.

    Step 5:
    Open the Arduino Bluetooth RC Car App connect it to hc-06 and test the car.
    (Might be you will need to swap the motor wires polarity on the motorshield, so that motors rotate in correct direction.)

    Step 6:
    Once you tested the car successfully, disconnect the usb from arduino and connect the batteries to the motorshield and start playing with your car.

    Some photos of my car, additionaly i am using ultrasonic sensor for obstacle avoidance in automatic mode. Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_9069.JPG
Views:	359
Size:	650.8 KB
ID:	153453
    Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_9068.JPG
Views:	382
Size:	599.8 KB
ID:	153454

    Thats it.
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    Building a Bluetooth-controlled RC car with Arduino is a fun project that involves assembling the chassis, connecting motors and the HC-06 Bluetooth module, and programming the Arduino Mega. Once complete, you can test and control the car with your mobile phone. For those in Dubai, if you're dealing with car electrical issues, visit the Best Car Electrical Repair in Dubai for professional assistance.

