database backup via ftp

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    database backup via ftp

    ok, i know technically you supposed to backup your database once in a while...

    for those of us who don't always have access to a pc that's online all the time this can get difficult... but fear no more! if you got 2 domains running, this script is useful for backing up your database and copying the backed up database to another server via ftp...

    ok, well i'd put up a demo, but you don't really see anything, so no point...

    but here's the script, i tried to make it as easy to set up as possible, all you need to do is change the $variables at the top and put the ftp login info for your backup server... I haven't tested it since i added all the $variables for easy setup, but i'm pretty sure it'll work..

    Thanks welcome btw...
    (click! how hard can it be?)

    Added after 30 minutes:

    comments n feedback welcome... if the script not working, tell me the error/problem n i'll try fix it all up
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