I was using ffmpeg to convert a few video's from .m3u8 to .mp4 and needed a quicker way than copy and pasting.
So i put together a quick javascript script and thought I would share it, as it may help others:
It does copy to clipboard as soon as you have pasted the url in.
However I'm not sure the copy function will work on other browser than chrome
So i put together a quick javascript script and thought I would share it, as it may help others:
PHP Code:
<input id="in" type="text" onkeyup="convert();"/><br/>
<input id="out" type="text"/>
var counter = 0;
function convert()
var input = document.getElementById('in');
var output = document.getElementById('out');
output.value = 'ffmpeg -i "' + input.value + '" Vid-'+ counter + '.mp4';
input.value = '';
However I'm not sure the copy function will work on other browser than chrome