YUI Color Picker

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    YUI Color Picker

    just another helpful post (i hope)

    Yahoo/ Additions by Dynamic Drive

    Need a color picker for your online forms or application? This advanced color picker is based on Yahoo's excellent UI library, more specifically, the slider widget. We've added additional code to help integrate the color picker with forms on your page, so clicking on specific form fields causes the selected color value to be populated inside them in real time. Furthermore, a color box is shown alongside the field to display the current input color in real time.

    One known issue with this script is in Opera 8.x, where dragging of the color picker and selection ball is non functional. FYI this is the same color picker we're using in our Button Maker tool. Enjoy!

    Demo And Script Download Here:
    Dynamic Drive-YUI (Yahoo User Interface) Color Picker

    once again, hope this is helpful/useful to someone.
    include ('Ghost');
    if ($Post == true) {
    echo '

    alt='coding-talk.com!!' />';
    echo 'Sharing Is Caring!';
    } else {
    echo '

    alt='the username GHOST has been comprimised!' />';
    echo 'OMG SOMEBODY HELP ME!!';