Need help! I use a news script, but the sorting pages (pagination) is not very nice! Hope someone can help me out to get a better way to sort the pages.
Here's the site: CearáBowl
Now, would like to add a bbcode area on text box:
Hope someone can help me out! I've tried many times to make the changes, but no luck so far!
Here's the site: CearáBowl
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]//HEAD echo '<p align="center"><strong><img src="imagens/icons/16x16/football3.png" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle" > CENTRAL DE NOTÍCIAS <img src="imagens/icons/16x16/football3.png" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle" ></strong> </p> '; if(USER_ADD_NEWS == TRUE) { echo '<small> - <a href="?do=6">Adicionar Notí</a><br /></small>'; }[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] //CAT $sqlc1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mns_cat"; $qc1 = mysql_query($sqlc1); $rc1 = mysql_fetch_array($qc1);[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] if(@$_GET["cid"]) { $cid = trim($_GET["cid"]); $cid = intval($cid); if($cid < 0) { exit('-1'); } }[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] if($rc1[0] != 0) { echo '<div class="text"><img src="imagens/icons/mini-category.png" width="12" height="12"><small><strong> Categorias:</strong> <br /></small>'; $sql = "SELECT * FROM mns_cat ORDER BY cat_id ASC LIMIT 10"; $query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while($res = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $sqlc = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mns_news WHERE news_cat = {$res["cat_id"]}"; $qc = mysql_query($sqlc); $rc = mysql_fetch_array($qc); if($res["cat_id"] == $cid) { echo '<small>>></small>'; $categ_n = $res["cat_name"]; $qqq = 1; } if(empty($res["cat_about"])) { $br = ''; } else $br = '<br />'; echo '<small>- <a href="?cid='.$res["cat_id"].'">'.stripslashes($res["cat_name"]).'</a> ['.$rc[0].'] </i> </small> '.$br; $br = ''; } $sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mns_news"; $q = mysql_query($sql2); $r = mysql_fetch_array($q); echo '<br /><small><a href="?all">Todas as Notícias</a> ['.$r[0].']</small></div>'; } if(@!$cid) { echo '<br /><img src="imagens/icons/newspaper.png" width="12" height="12"><small><strong> Últimas Notícias:</strong></small>'; } else { echo '<br /><img src="imagens/icons/mini-category.png" width="12" height="12"> <small><strong>Categoria: '.stripslashes($categ_n).'</strong></small>'; if(@!$qqq) exit('error'); } //<< //<< if(@!$cid) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM mns_news ORDER BY news_date $sort1 LIMIT 10"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM mns_news WHERE news_cat='".mysql_escape_string($cid)."' ORDER BY news_date $sort1 LIMIT 10"; } $query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); while($res = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $sqlr = "SELECT * FROM mns_cat WHERE cat_id='{$res["news_cat"]}'"; $queryr = mysql_query($sqlr) or die(mysql_error()); $resr = mysql_fetch_array($queryr); if($c == 1) $c = $c+1; else $c = $c - 1; $texte = new bbcode(stripslashes($res["news_text"])); $texte -> mnemonics = $smiles; $texte = $texte -> get_html(); if(strlen($texte) > $main_ch) { $full = ' <a href="?do=1&id='.$res["news_id"].'&sort='.$sort.'">...</a>'; } else $full = ''; $texte = substr($texte, 0, $main_ch); $sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mns_comm WHERE news_id='{$res['news_id']}'"; $q = mysql_query($sql2); $count = mysql_fetch_array($q); if(empty($resr["cat_name"])) { $resr["cat_name"] = 'Uncategorized'; } echo $b[$c].'<br /><div class="n"> <small><strong> <a href="?do=1&id='.$res["news_id"].'&sort='.$sort.'">'.stripslashes($res["news_theme"]).'</a> </strong> ['.date("d/m/y - H:i", $res["news_date"]).'] </small> </div> <small> '.$texte.' '.$full.' <br /> <a href="?do=1&id='.$res["news_id"].'&sort='.$sort.'">Ler Mais</a>|<a href="?do=2&id='.$res["news_id"].'">Comentários</a> ['.$count[0].'] <img src="imagens/icons/mini-comment.png" width="12" height="12"><hr /> </small> </div>'; } $sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mns_news"; $q = mysql_query($sql2); $r = mysql_fetch_array($q); if($st > $r[0]) { exit('>'); } echo '<div class="beg2"> <small>'; for($i=0;$i<=($r[0]/$fu);$i++) { if($st == ($i*$fu)) { echo '['.($i+1).''; } else { echo '[<a href="?st='.($i*$fu).'&sort='.$sort.'&cid='.$cid.'">'.($i+1).'</a>'; } if($i<($r[0]/$fu)) echo ']'; } echo '</small></div>';[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]//1st value case 1: { //Add news if(@$_POST["add"]) {[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] $theme = trim($_POST["theme"]); if(empty($theme)) { exit('THEME ERROR'); } $theme = strip_tags($theme); $theme = mysql_escape_string($theme);[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] $text = trim($_POST["text"]); if(empty($text)) { exit('TEXT ERROR'); } $text = strip_tags($text); $text = mysql_escape_string($text);[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] if(@$_POST["comm"]) { $comm = trim($_POST["comm"]); $comm = strip_tags($comm); $comm = mysql_escape_string($comm); }[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] if(@$_POST["img"]) { $img = trim($_POST["img"]); $img = strip_tags($img); $img = mysql_escape_string($img); }[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] if(@$_POST["links"]) { $links = trim($_POST["links"]); $links = strip_tags($links); $links = mysql_escape_string($links); }[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] if(@$_POST["cop"]) { $cop = trim($_POST["cop"]); $cop = strip_tags($cop); $cop = mysql_escape_string($cop); }[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] if($_POST["n_cat"]) { $n_cat = trim($_POST["n_cat"]); if(!is_numeric($n_cat)) $n_cat = 0; } else $n_cat = 0; ######### ######### ######### for($i=1;$i<=$cfd;$i++) {[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]if($_FILES["file$i"]["size"]) { if($_FILES["file$i"]["size"] > 1024*$mbf*1024) { echo ("files size exceeded $mbf MB!. files not loaded!");[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] $ftg = FALSE; } else { $ftg == TRUE;[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] } if($ftg !== FALSE) {[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] $ext = strrchr($_FILES["file$i"]["name"], '.'); if(!stristr($fext, $ext)) {[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] exit('invalid extensions.'); } $end = $end.$ext; if(is_file($dir_f.$_FILES["file$i"]["name"].$end)) { $end = $end.mt_rand(1111,9999).'_'.$ext;[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] } @chmod($dir_f, 0777); if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file$i"]["tmp_name"], $dir_f.$_FILES["file$i"]["name"].$end)) { @chmod($dir_f.$_FILES["file$i"]["name"].$end, 0777); @$links = $links.mysql_escape_string(' #FILE#'.$_FILES["file$i"]["name"].$end); } else echo 'File not loaded. error!'; } } }[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] ######## ######## ######## $date = mysql_escape_string(time()); @$sql_add = "INSERT INTO mns_news VALUES ( '', '$theme', '$text', '$date', '$img' , '$links', '$cop', '$n_cat' )"; mysql_query($sql_add) or die(mysql_error()); $news_id = mysql_insert_id(); if($comm) { $sql_c_comm = "INSERT INTO mns_comm VALUES ( '', '$login', '$comm', '$date', '$news_id' )"; mysql_query($sql_c_comm) or die(mysql_error()); } if($_POST["mail"]) { // (Email Module) $headers = "From: ".MAIL_FROM."\r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"\r\n"; $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP v.".phpversion(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM mns_mail"; $q = mysql_query($sql); $mes1 = str_replace('{[THEME]}', $_POST["theme"], $newMAIL); $mes2 = str_replace('{[NEW]}', $_POST["text"], $mes1); $mes3 = str_replace('{[DATE]}', date("d/m/y - H:i",$date), $mes2); while($res = mysql_fetch_array($q)) { @mail($res["user_mail"], MAIL_THEME, $mes3, $headers); } } echo '<br /><div class="text">INFO: Notícia Adicionada!</div>'; } else { $sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mns_cat"; $q = mysql_query($sql2); $r = mysql_fetch_array($q); if($r[0] == 0) { echo '<small>Warning You have not created any categories of news! You can add news without categories. To create a category, go <a href="?do=8">here</a>.</small>'; } echo '<strong><small>» Adicionar Notícia</small></strong> <br /><br /><form action="'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"].'?do=1" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div class="text"> <strong><small>Título: </small></strong> <br /> <input type="text" name="theme" class="q"> <br /> <strong><small>Descrição:</small></strong> <br /> <textarea name="text" class="q" cols="26" rows="9"></textarea> <br /> <small> BBCODE ativo para notícias e comentários </small> <br /> <strong><small>Categoria:</small></strong> <br /> <select size="1" name="n_cat" class="q"> <option selected>ESCOLHER CATEGORIA</option>'; $sq = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mns_cat"); while($sql_r = mysql_fetch_array($sq)) { echo '<option value="'.$sql_r["cat_id"].'">'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($sql_r["cat_name"])).'</option>'; } echo '</select> <br /> <strong><small>Imagem</strong> <br /> endereço completo (com http://)</small> <br /> <input type="text" name="img" class="q"> <br /> <strong><small>Link da Notícia</strong> <br /> (com http://)</small> <br /> <input type="text" name="links" class="q"> <br /> <strong><small>Copyright</strong> </small> <br /> © <input type="text" name="cop" class="q"> <br /> <strong><small>Arquivos para Download</strong> [maximo '.$mbf.' MB] <br /> ('.$fext.')</small> <br /> <div class="f">'; for($i=1;$i<=$cfd;$i++) { echo '<br /> <input type="file" name="file'.$i.'" class="q">'; } echo '</div> <strong><small>Adicionar comentário:</small></strong> <br /> <textarea name="comm" class="q" cols="26" rows="3"></textarea> <br /> <strong><small>Enviar notícia para os cadastrados?</small></strong> <input type="checkbox" name="mail" value="1" class="q"> <br /> <small>Obs: Se tiver muitos cadastrados, esta operação pode vir a demorar.</small> <br /> <input type="submit" name="add" value="add" class="q"> <small> <a href="./smileys.php">smiley</a> </small> </div> </form>'; } } break; [/SIZE][/FONT]