Hello, how do I put the image into the room with the query? is out of the room
PHP Code:
echo "<b>2 </b><a accesskey=\"2\" href=\"index.php?action=mkroom&sid=$sid\">Create Room Private</a><br/><br/>";
$rooms = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, pass, pic FROM ibwf_rooms WHERE static='0'");
while ($room= mysql_fetch_array($rooms))
$ilink = trim($ilink[3]=="");
echo $ilink = "<img src=\"../images/logo.gif\" alt=\"*\"/><br/>";
$ilink = $room[3];
echo $ilink = "<img src=\"$ilink[3]\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\" alt=\"*\"/><br/>";
if(canenter($room[0], $sid))
$noi = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ibwf_chonline WHERE rid='".$room[0]."'"));
echo "<a href=\"chat.php?sid=$sid&rid=$room[0]\">".htmlspecialchars($room[1])."($noi[0])</a><br/>";
echo htmlspecialchars($room[1]);
//echo "($noi[0])";
echo "<form action=\"chat.php\" method=\"get\">";
echo "<br/><input format=\"*x\" name=\"rpw\" maxlength=\"10\"/><br/>";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"GO\"/>";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rid\" value=\"$room[0]\"/>";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sid\" value=\"$sid\"/>";
echo "</form>";