hi im trying to create a imagfe rotation script for lavalair
here is the code for basic image rotation but i need to add the code that selects the avatar from the database and then saves it once its rotated ...i dont know if its possible or not on wap
im guessing i add this one somewhere lol
here is the code for basic image rotation but i need to add the code that selects the avatar from the database and then saves it once its rotated ...i dont know if its possible or not on wap
PHP Code:
if(!function_exists("imagerotate")) {
function imagerotate(&$srcImg, $angle, $transparentColor = null) {
$srcw = imagesx($srcImg);
$srch = imagesy($srcImg);
if($angle == 0) return $srcImg;
// Convert the angle to radians
$pi = 3.141592654;
$theta = $angle * $pi / 180;
// Get the origin (center) of the image
$originx = $srcw / 2;
$originy = $srch / 2;
// The pixels array for the new image
$pixels = array();
$minx = 0;
$maxx = 0;
$miny = 0;
$maxy = 0;
$dstw = 0;
$dsth = 0;
// Loop through every pixel and transform it
for($x=0;$x<$srcw;$x++) {
for($y=0;$y<$srch;$y++) {
list($x1, $y1) = translateCoordinate($originx, $originy, $x, $y, false);
$x2 = $x * cos($theta) - $y * sin($theta);
$y2 = $x * sin($theta) + $y * cos($theta);
// Store the pixel color
$pixels[] = array($x2, $y2, imagecolorat($srcImg, $x, $y));
// Check our boundaries
if($x2 > $maxx) $maxx = $x2;
if($x2 < $minx) $minx = $x2;
if($y2 > $maxy) $maxy = $y2;
if($y2 < $miny) $miny = $y2;
// Determine the new image size
$dstw = $maxx - $minx + 1;
$dsth = $maxy - $miny + 1;
// Create our new image
$dstImg = imagecreatetruecolor($dstw, $dsth);
// Fill the background with our transparent color
if($transparentColor == null) $transparentColor = imagecolorallocate($dstImg, 1, 2, 3);
imagecolortransparent($dstImg, $transparentColor);
imagefilledrectangle($dstImg, 0, 0, $dstw + 1, $dsth + 1, $transparentColor);
// Get the new origin
$neworiginx = -$minx;
$neworiginy = -$miny;
// Fill in the pixels
foreach($pixels as $data) {
list($x, $y, $color) = $data;
list($newx, $newy) = translateCoordinate($neworiginx, $neworiginy, $x, $y);
imagesetpixel($dstImg, $newx, $newy, $color);
return $dstImg;
* Translates from mathematical coordinate system to computer coordinate system using
* origin coordinates from the computer system or visa versa
* @param int $originx
* @param int $originy
* @param int $x
* @param int $y
* @param bool $toComp
* @return array(int $x, int $y)
function translateCoordinate($originx, $originy, $x, $y, $toComp=true) {
if($toComp) {
$newx = $originx + $x;
$newy = $originy - $y;
} else {
$newx = $x - $originx;
$newy = $originy - $y;
return array($newx, $newy);
im guessing i add this one somewhere lol
PHP Code:
$urlImage = "images/image.png";
$urlNewImage = "images/imageNew.png";