Hi all,
Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem in asp? I have tried to look everywhere for the last week but no one seems to have the answer.
The issue is that I have the script below that is used to generate new password which is the encripted to update the password field in the database. It then suprisingly times out when used with sql server and the field is not updated, however, if you use the access database, the password field is updated and the new password is sent to the user.
Which means that the issue could be on the rs handling and sql...
Please help, or advice...
Does anyone have an idea to solve this problem in asp? I have tried to look everywhere for the last week but no one seems to have the answer.
The issue is that I have the script below that is used to generate new password which is the encripted to update the password field in the database. It then suprisingly times out when used with sql server and the field is not updated, however, if you use the access database, the password field is updated and the new password is sent to the user.
Which means that the issue could be on the rs handling and sql...
Please help, or advice...
<!--#include file="include/clean.asp"--> <!--#include file="include/dbcommon.asp"--> <!--#include file="include/md5.asp"--> <!--#include file="libs/xtempl.asp"--> <% if SESSION("count_captcha")="" or SESSION("count_captcha")>5 then SESSION("count_captcha")=0 dim xt set xt = new XTempl cEmailField = "Email (mail)" reminded=false strSearchBy="username" strUsername="" strEmail="" strMessage="" dbConnection="" db_connect() DoEvent "BeforeProcessRemind dbConnection" if request.form("btnSubmit") = "Remind" then strSearchBy=request.Form("searchby") 'strUsername=request.Form("username") strUsername = cleanName(request.Form("username")) strEmail=request.Form("email") Set rstemp = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rstemp.open "select * from [Staff Details] where 1=0",dbConnection,1,2 tosearch=false if strSearchBy<>"email" then value=strUsername if cstr(value)<>"" then tosearch=true if FieldNeedQuotes(rstemp,cUserNameField) then value="'" & db_addslashes(value) & "'" else value=my_numeric(value) end if sWhere=AddFieldWrappers(cUserNameField) & "=" & value else value=strEmail if cstr(value)<>"" then tosearch=true if FieldNeedQuotes(rstemp,cEmailField) then value="'" & db_addslashes(value) & "'" else value=my_numeric(value) end if sWhere=AddFieldWrappers(cEmailField) & "=" & value end if if tosearch then DoEvent "tosearch = BeforeRemindPassword(strUsername,strEmail)" if tosearch then strSQL="select " & AddFieldWrappers(cUserNameField) & "," & AddFieldWrappers(cPasswordField) & "," & AddFieldWrappers(cEmailField) & " from [Staff Details] where " & sWhere rs.Open strSQL,dbConnection,1,2 'set rs = server.createobject("adodb.recordset") 'rs.open strSQL, dbConnection,1,2 if not rs.EOF then password=rs(1) '// generate 6 letters length password password="" randomize for ind=0 to 5 j=rnd(35) if j<26 then password=password & chr(asc("a")+j) else password=password & chr(asc("0")-26+j) end if next dbConnection.Execute "update [Staff Details] set " & AddFieldWrappers(cPasswordField) & "='" & md5(password) & "' where " & sWhere 'response.Write(password) 'response.End() 'j url = "http://" & request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") if CStr(request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT"))<>"80" then _ url = url & ":" & request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT") url= url & request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") message="Password reminder" & vbcrlf message=message & "You asked to remind your username and password at" & " " & url & vbcrlf message=message & "Username" & " " & rs(0) & vbcrlf message=message & "Password" & " " & password & vbcrlf sendmail rs(2),"Password reminder",message reminded=true DoEvent "AfterRemindPassword strUsername,strEmail" loginlink_attrs="href=""login.asp" if strSearchBy<>"email" then loginlink_attrs=loginlink_attrs & "?username=" & server.HTMLEncode(strUsername) loginlink_attrs=loginlink_attrs & """" xt.assign "loginlink_attrs",loginlink_attrs xt.assign "body",true SESSION("count_captcha")=SESSION("count_captcha")+1 xt.display("remind_success.htm") response.End end if end if if not reminded then if strSearchBy<>"email" then strMessage="User" & " <i>" & strUsername & "</i> " & "is not registered." else strMessage="This email doesn't exist in our database" end if end if end if emailradio_attrs="onclick=""document.forms.form1.searchby.value='email'; UpdateControls();""" usernameradio_attrs="onclick=""document.forms.form1.searchby.value='username'; UpdateControls();""" if strSearchBy="username" then usernameradio_attrs=usernameradio_attrs & " checked" search_disabled = "email" end if xt.assign "emailradio_attrs",emailradio_attrs xt.assign "usernameradio_attrs",usernameradio_attrs xt.assign "username_attrs","value=""" & my_htmlspecialchars(strUsername) & """" xt.assign "email_attrs","value=""" & my_htmlspecialchars(strEmail) & """" if strMessage<>"" then xt.assign "message",strMessage xt.assign "message_block",true if captcha=1 then SESSION("count_captcha")=SESSION("count_captcha")+1 end if set body=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") str="<script language = JavaScript>" str=str & "function OnKeyDown(){" str=str & "e = window.event;" str=str & "if (e.keyCode == 13){" str=str & "e.cancel = true;" str=str & "document.forms[0].submit();}}" str=str & "function UpdateControls(){" str=str & "if (document.forms.form1.searchby.value==""username""){" str=str & "document.forms.form1.username.style.backgroundColor='white';" str=str & "document.forms.form1.email.style.backgroundColor='gainsboro';" str=str & "document.forms.form1.username.disabled=false;" str=str & "document.forms.form1.email.disabled=true;}else{" str=str & "document.forms.form1.username.style.backgroundColor='gainsboro';" str=str & "document.forms.form1.email.style.backgroundColor='white';" str=str & "document.forms.form1.username.disabled=true;" str=str & "document.forms.form1.email.disabled=false;}}</script>" str=str & "<form method=post action=""remind.asp"" id=form1 name=form1>" str=str & "<input type=hidden name=btnSubmit value=""Remind"">" str=str & "<input type=""Hidden"" name=""searchby"" value=""" & strSearchBy & """>" body("begin")=str body("end")="</form><script language=""JavaScript"">document.forms.form1." & search_disabled & ".disabled=false; UpdateControls();</script>" xt.assign "body",body templatefile = "remind.htm" DoEvent "BeforeShowRemindPwd xt,templatefile" xt.display(templatefile) %>