xmas comes in november, lol

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    xmas comes in november, lol

    ok, after thinking about this for the past two hours i decided wtf?

    ok, this script is a little bit i coded on riders waplive base... i put quite a bit of head scratching n thought into this even the code is a mess... thanks will be appreciated for this one cause i never planned to release this script like EVER, but i'm feeling generous and hoping hopefully someone can help me make it into something more complete, (even if not about pot, lol)

    so yeah everyone, here's my little game started...

    (don't forget the thanks button!!!!)
    Attached Files
    C3 Themes: http://c3themes.wen.ru/index.html
    Find Files: http://mystarter.tk/?goto=X-search

    ok, still curious if anyone keen to work together on upgrading? or possibly some kinda story line or something...

    thinking about taking this script down too, cause basically i put it up looking for someone to team up with, not really for everbody else to leech off, lol...
    C3 Themes: http://c3themes.wen.ru/index.html
    Find Files: http://mystarter.tk/?goto=X-search


      what kind of game is it? can u give us little description?


        lol... well it's nowhere near complete, even though it is kinda at stage 2 or well works but kinda pointless...

        i just coded the base, like kinda how things will work, n the maths between character stats n attack score, timed reset n stuff like that...

        demo: here

        the point of posting this is cause it can be modified into anything... at the moment it's like a simplified hobo wars clone in some ways... i coded it to poke some fun at a mate who loves hobo wars... it's just i don't believe in violence etc, so i was trying to think of a concept that is player vs player but not fighting but still with training, etc... (lol what can i say, true stoner at heart!!!)

        so yeah hope this sheds more light on the matter...
        (it's fully functional, but basically you gonna need to spend quite a bit of thought or time changing it to suite your storyline, etc...) (so some basic coding knowledge will be needed to modify this...)

        i modified it once already into a combat based game where you training gladiator instead of rolling champ, but as i said it takes a little effort to change stuff, n you'll need to read code a few times to get the hang of what's going on...

        anyone tried it out yet?
        C3 Themes: http://c3themes.wen.ru/index.html
        Find Files: http://mystarter.tk/?goto=X-search


          Ill try.. Thanks


            34 views n 5 thanks... dang, what up with the leeching here peoples... a little thanks would be nice...
            (and makes me feel it's worthwhile to release future versions of this script...)

            I didn't spend the first half of the year figuring this out for my own health y know!
            (although i learnt tons doing it...)
            C3 Themes: http://c3themes.wen.ru/index.html
            Find Files: http://mystarter.tk/?goto=X-search


              ok, sorry to bump this topic... just wondering if anyone got any feedback, comments or ideas....
              C3 Themes: http://c3themes.wen.ru/index.html
              Find Files: http://mystarter.tk/?goto=X-search

