Required hardware:
USB to TTL Programmer
ESP8266 ESP-03
Software installation
and restart your Ðœac.
Install an esp flasher Esptool software via Mac Terminal with this command:
more infos about esptool you can find here:
(Windows users can use this tool:
Download Esplorer from: or directly
it requires Java which you can install from (in case you don't have it).
Hardware preparation
Now you need aн ESP8266-03 Module, which looks like this:

ESP8266-03 with a pinout:

Use a solderer with a tiny tip to solder wires to the pins of the module.
Afterwards you esp should look like this:

Now prepare the ESP826-03 for flashing. Important it requires 3,3 Volt power supply, so don't try to connect it directly to 5 Volts because it will destroy your chip. Many of USB to TTL programmers can provide 3,3 Volt power, so you can connect your ESP8266-02 to the 3,3 Volt pin of your programmer.
I have used AMS1117 power converter, which converts 4,7 to 12 Volt into 3,3 Volts and connected it to the 5Volt output of my USB to TLL programmer, which looks like this:

and the AMS1117 looks like this:

at VIN+ you connect the 5 Volt of your USB to TTL programmer and at GND you connect the Ground pin of USB to TTL programmer,
VOUT+ provides the required 3,3 Volt to power your ESP8266-03.
Now lets connect everything on a breadboard and prepare the ESP8266-03 for flashing firmware,
for flashing firmware you need to connect these pins:
RX Programmer to TX ESP8266-03
TX Programmer to RX ESP8266-03
Like this:

and this is how it looks like with breadboard

Get the firmware
Now get the latest firmware from here: (select only the needed firmware modules because your chip has limited space and flashing firmware may fail due to lack of space on the chip, standard modules are selected by default and its recommended to include them in your build) I have selected the dev build with following additional modules: dht, file, gpio, http, mdns, net, node, rtcfifo, rtcmem, rtctime, tmr, uart, wifi.
After the firmware is ready, download it and place it into your user folder on MAC.
Flash the firmware
Now you can connect USB to TTL programmer to usb port of your Mac, open CoolTerm click Options look in the ports for something that looks similar to /dev/cu.wchusbserialfa130, your port name will be same or different, write down the port name which you see in CoolTerm. If you don't see it, make sure that you installed all the drivers and executed
in terminal and restart your MAC.
Now open the terminal, and execute this commands step by step:
1. to go to the use folder
2. before you execute the next command replace the /dev/cu.wchusbserialfa130 with your port name and nodemcu-dev-13-modules-2016-06-26-20-11-56-float.bin with the firmware file name that you have built and downloaded previously.
If you did everything correctly, the firmware will be written into the chip. If you get an error in the terminal output, make sure that your breadboard setup is correct and you are using the correct port.
USB to TTL Programmer
ESP8266 ESP-03
Software installation
- You will need to install the SiLabs serial driver for the chip
- Install CoolTerm from
sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
Install an esp flasher Esptool software via Mac Terminal with this command:
pip install esptool
(Windows users can use this tool:
Download Esplorer from: or directly
it requires Java which you can install from (in case you don't have it).
Hardware preparation
Now you need aн ESP8266-03 Module, which looks like this:
ESP8266-03 with a pinout:
Use a solderer with a tiny tip to solder wires to the pins of the module.
Afterwards you esp should look like this:
Now prepare the ESP826-03 for flashing. Important it requires 3,3 Volt power supply, so don't try to connect it directly to 5 Volts because it will destroy your chip. Many of USB to TTL programmers can provide 3,3 Volt power, so you can connect your ESP8266-02 to the 3,3 Volt pin of your programmer.
I have used AMS1117 power converter, which converts 4,7 to 12 Volt into 3,3 Volts and connected it to the 5Volt output of my USB to TLL programmer, which looks like this:
and the AMS1117 looks like this:
at VIN+ you connect the 5 Volt of your USB to TTL programmer and at GND you connect the Ground pin of USB to TTL programmer,
VOUT+ provides the required 3,3 Volt to power your ESP8266-03.
Now lets connect everything on a breadboard and prepare the ESP8266-03 for flashing firmware,
for flashing firmware you need to connect these pins:
RX Programmer to TX ESP8266-03
TX Programmer to RX ESP8266-03
Like this:
and this is how it looks like with breadboard
Get the firmware
Now get the latest firmware from here: (select only the needed firmware modules because your chip has limited space and flashing firmware may fail due to lack of space on the chip, standard modules are selected by default and its recommended to include them in your build) I have selected the dev build with following additional modules: dht, file, gpio, http, mdns, net, node, rtcfifo, rtcmem, rtctime, tmr, uart, wifi.
After the firmware is ready, download it and place it into your user folder on MAC.
Flash the firmware
Now you can connect USB to TTL programmer to usb port of your Mac, open CoolTerm click Options look in the ports for something that looks similar to /dev/cu.wchusbserialfa130, your port name will be same or different, write down the port name which you see in CoolTerm. If you don't see it, make sure that you installed all the drivers and executed
sudo nvram boot-args="kext-dev-mode=1"
Now open the terminal, and execute this commands step by step:
1. to go to the use folder
Code: --port=/dev/cu.wchusbserialfa130 write_flash -fm=dio -fs=32m 0x00000 nodemcu-dev-13-modules-2016-06-26-20-11-56-float.bin