Chatter of the day

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    Yes bro it kind of works lol this is the result it gives
    Debug: timestamp: 1516214785 dbDay: 17 Day: 17
    the 1516..... is exactly the lowest number in the table but the only problem is that i need a code to show that if the 24 hours has passed then send the message to the members


      I'm guessing this should work bro what you think
      $day = date('d');
      $timestamp = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT MIN(timesent) FROM ibwf_updateday"));
      $dbDate = date('d', $timestamp[0]);


        Putting the date in a string is the same as having it in the "if" statement.
        I have no idea why that bit of code is failing for you.... I just tested it and it works perfectly for me.

        It shouldn't run again and keep repeating sending private messages unless the delete is not working correctly.


          Your time calculation is round the wrong way try this instead:
          $workout = time() - 86400 + 120;  
          mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_updateday WHERE timesent<'".$workout."'");


            Thanks bro the delete query is working better now thanks to you, but the messages keeps coming still one after the other
            when it is like this if($dbDate=$day), but when i add the exclamation mark which means 'not' i guess if($dbDate!=$day) it stops just hope when the server time reaches it will send the message, and i believe if the message comes rapidly, then it may be wise for me to just do
            $workout = time() - 86400 + 2; mysql_query("DELETE FROM ibwf_updateday WHERE timesent<'".$workout."'"); so exactly after one message is sent to the respective members, it will clear the table in 2 seconds. Makes sense to you?


              Yeah the exclamation is there on my original post, so guessing it got lost in copy and pasting


                something else it worked fine on the timings in sending the message the right time at the end of the day according to the server time're a damn genius!!! thanks alot :D :D


                  Your welcome :D

